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subject: How To Be More Productive And Energized No Matter Which Business You'Re In [print this page]

Author: Martina Srblin

Running a business is challenging. Running a multi-faceted business is even wilder a true adventure. You need to become an expert in organization and time management, as well as a master in balancing the energy to devote to various parts of your business your multiple passions. Without feeling overwhelmed and/or drained. Without trading your personal life and your free time for success. Without turning the freedom of being an entrepreneur, and dictating your own pace, into self-slavery. You probably want to spread your message, share your knowledge, help other people succeed or solve their problems, generate a generous income for you, your family, and the charities you want to support, live a prosperous life, enjoy working for yourself, take care of your health, and ensure the well-being of your body and soul. That's great! But do you know which steps to take to achieve that? To reach your stars, feeling rested, energized, happy, and creative pretty much all the time? Yes, there is effort involved, but the results will blow you away! So... Plan smart A business plan is your roadmap to success. Design it in a smart way, and it will prove to be your best ally. If we're talking about a plan for 2010, decide what exactly you want to accomplish, first, then write down the number of weeks, days and hours you want to dedicate to work. Once you have finished that, play around with the calendar, and determine the approximate time to get things done. Schedule buffer time Be realistic with your planning keep in mind the inexpected that always pops up at most inconvenient moment. Filling up all your time wouldn't be a wise move. Not only are there emergencies occuring, and complications arising and swallowing much more time than predicted, there are also pleasant surprises appearing from around the corner. It would be a shame if you couldn't welcome what life has in store for you, without completely destroying your 2010 plan. So, schedule plenty of buffer time, OK? Start single-tasking To save time and energy, concentrate on one thing at a time... yes, that's right just one! Multi-tasking is so out! You'll become much more productive, focused, and you'll get so much more done in less time. It's even likely that you'll feel less tired than usual. How awesome is tat? Ah, the sweet power of living in the moment... Reignite your passions Obstacles, problems, difficult situations in business, like in life, not everything's perfect, at least not all the time. But if your passion for what you do is burning with a high and maginificent flame, you have nothing to worry about. Have fun in your business, and you'll eliminate those hiccups in a heart-beat. Every now and then, remember that initial enthusiasm that brought you to transforming your passions into a business, and aknowledge that passionate you that knew in her heart that you're meant for big things. It's the most precious gift you can give yourself to strenghten the belief in your wildest dreams. Accomodate your body's needs Mens sana in corpore sano a healthy mind in a healthy body. A simple, yet so powerful truth. You need to treat you body, that allows you to live the life you desire, with gratitude and respect. Eat nutritious food, sleep enough hours, exercise, relax to alliviate stress. Be thankful for your health and cherish it dearly. Listen to your body's needs, and start following its suggestions you'll discover which rhythm of work and rest suits you best. Keep a success journal Journaling about your small and big victories will empower you to stay optimistic even in some darker business times, and it will make you proud of the path that's behind you. Keep records of all your accomplishments, and all those magical moments when you felt invincible, and remind yourself of them every time you feel disenchanted. They will cheer you up as little else could. Set and respect deadlines Being productive is closely linked to being well organized. And one of the most effective ways of doing that, is setting deadlines and dissecting big projects into small, doable tasks that you can easily master within the pre-planned period. Try to be dead-serious about your deadlines, but be flexible enough to move them a bit, if respecting them is too much of a strain for you. Nothing is as important as your health, so avoid exhaustion at all costs.About the Author:

Martina Srblin is The Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur who will help you build an efficient, coherent and thriving multi-faceted business around your values and your core message. For free resources, a FREE subscription to The Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur Ezine and to sign up for a FREE report on "7 Key Strategies to Skyrocket Your Multi-Faceted Business", please visit Martinas website

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