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How To Be Richer This Year

Every year, we greet our loved ones with have a prosperous new year

. We dont mind it at all and just hears it as a New Year greeting without any meaning to it. How weird it is when in fact, it has always been what we long for every time the year starts. You may have wished for it last year but did you really get it? Did you have a prosperous new year or is it otherwise?

Statistics show that only twenty percent of those who have resolutions stick to their plans and has resolved whatever it is that they want to resolve. Those eighty percent probably will have a better chance next year. Most resolutions are associated with wealth. If yours is to have a stronger income by the end of the year, well good luck to you. Work hard for that promotion or pray for a miracle raise. One thing is certain though, under normal circumstances, you are probably not going to boost that income of yours by the end of the year, at least not enough to be noticeable.

If you want to be richer this year, forget your job and involve yourself with something in which you yourself are the one that controls your income; a business perhaps or some other ventures. The more work you put in, the more money you gain. In a regular job, whether you work hard or not, your income is fixed and being rich as your new years resolution is so out of your reach.

Settle the scores with your wealth resolutions this year. Financial freedom is always possible. Make yourself rich this year. Click on that link for more details.

by: Alvin Dionaldo
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